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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Criticism - A Godly Response

Hey Friends,

Things have been so ugly in society lately, haven't they? Accusations flying back and forth, blame thrown like knives at those with whom people disagree. I was thinking of how difficult, but how very needed, it is right now to reflect the character and love of Christ. As I was thinking, I came upon this short article I'd written years ago. It seems even more relevant today. See what you think:

Ouch!  That Hurts!

--Responding to Criticism--

We all dread the moment.  But, it comes at work, at home, and even at church.  Someone bears down on us, face red, brow furrowed in frustration.  We take a deep breath and steel ourselves for what's ahead.  Before we can think of anything to say, the complaints start spewing out.  

Even if people are well-intentioned, their criticism hurts.  What do we say when we're faced with such attacks?  How can we respond in a Christ-like manner?  Here's some suggestions:


1.              Do keep a cool head.  Anger will cloud your reasoning. 

2.              Do say a quick prayer, asking God keep you from being defensive and to show you any truth in the person's words. 

3.         Do hear the criticism without allowing it to affect your self worth.  God can use criticism to point out flaws that He hopes to change.

4.         Do hear the feelings behind the complaints.  Sometimes criticism is the way people say, "I need help.  I feel bad, and I want you to fix it."  Watch for an opportunity to show that you care.  A sensitive, rather than argumentative, response will make the other person feel valued, not demeaned.

5.         Do be ready to admit any fault of your own, no matter how small.

6.         Do ask the person to be part of the solution.  Perhaps they can fill in where they think you're falling short.

7.         Do thank the person for their concern (whether their words show concern or not).  


1.         Don't immediately jump to your own defense.  In time, you may need to present your side of the story, but to do so initially will only make your critic try harder to convince you of your fault.  

2.         Don't tell the person they're wrong.  Being adversarial only causes resentment. 

3.         Don't answer immediately, especially if you find your emotions starting to flare.  Instead ask for time to think and pray about what was said.  Tell your critic you'll get back with him later.  (Then do so.)

4.         Don't worry about being right.  It's better to be accused falsely than to lambaste the other person.  Remember that your relationship with the criticizer is more important than who is right.  Differences should be honestly and healthily confronted, but they won’t always be resolved.

Finally, remember that Jesus, too, was criticized and condemned.  But, "when they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats.  Instead he entrusted himself to him who judges justly" (1 Peter 2:23 NIV).  Criticism, and even injustice, are an opportunity to reflect the character of Christ.  

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Too Much

Hey Friends,

I've been pondering how life can just be too much sometimes. It sure has been around here lately. I mean, here's some things just in the past week...

In the world: Afghanistan, Covid, Delta Variant

In my community: Horrible racism event at a local high school, yesterday a fatal stabbing at another local high school (one 17 year old dead, a 17 and 14 year old arrested), a double homicide, another attempted homicide, and more

In my family: My daughter gets her second vaccination and goes down right there in CVS with shakes, nausea, sweat, vomiting, intense abdominal pain. 911 and rushed to the hospital. In the ER and get alarmed that my son's blood sugar at school is deadly low. Texting the school to save his life while doctors and nurses are rushing in and out of the ER to help my daughter. (They are both fine now, but wow...)

TOO MUCH. It's all too much. We were not created to bear the burdens of the world. But these days, the 24/7 news makes it possible to know all the heavy, horrible things going on in the world, to add to the burdens of community and family. It is just too much.

So, I find myself emotionally battered. Weary. Burdened. Exhausted. 

But I also find myself finding new strength in the hope and love of Jesus. I'm finding that in these times of Too Much, what's helping me most is seeing God in little, every day things.  I'm finding gratefulness to be a balm to my soul. I'm finding deep breaths, little joys, times of rest to be precious gifts from God to restore my soul. 

And I'm finding things that I've known are true are, well, really true:

--If I cast my burdens on him, I really will find rest for my soul.

--If I wait on Him, I really can mount up on wings like an eagle, run without being so weary, walk and not faint from discouragement and exhaustion.

--If I lean into Him, His strength really is made perfect in my weakness.

--And I really can do all the things he has invited me into with Him because He puts His power in me.

It's all true. Everything He's promised, everything He's done for me, everything he wants for me. And when everything seems too much, I remember that God says to me (in the lyric from an old '70's song by Firefall): "Just remember I love you, and it will be all right. Just remember I love you, more than words can say.

He loves me. And He loves you. We're going to be all right.