Hi Friends,
This week is Halloween, so I am thinking about those times we encounter when life seems like a nightmare-come-true. Times of darkness and pain and doubt and fear and horror … when prayers don't make things all better and when what we were so afraid would happen, does. I've been in that place. You maybe have too. You're maybe there now.
Here's a short excerpt from WRESTLING WITH WONDER about that time. I hope it will be an encouragement to you in those times when the nightmares become real life ...
Jesus had to die on a Roman cross for our sins so that we
might be reconciled to God.
There was no
other way.
Of course,
Mary didn’t know that. But God did. And so do we.
We know that
the Messiah had to die a sinner’s death in our place that we might be free. From
Jesus’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, we know that if there were an
easier path, God would have chosen it.
In Matthew
26, Jesus prayed: “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from
And the
soldiers, crowds, and Jewish leaders came and arrested him. They bound him. They
beat him. They crucified him. And it was the will of God.
There was no
other way.
The Messiah
did not ascend to an earthly throne. The religious leaders did not recognize
him. He was rejected, a crown not of gold but of thorns pressed upon his head,
anointed not with kingly oil but with his own blood.
There was no
other way.
He was
sinless, and condemned. He was lied about, and the truth didn’t prevail. He was
accused, and said nothing. He was scourged, and not rescued. And then he died
on a criminal’s cross.
There was no
other way.
Because “it
was the Lord’s will to crush him,” says Isaiah 53:10. There was no other way
for Jesus to satisfy his Messiahship. No other way for the prophecies to be
fulfilled. No other way for the promises to come true.
No easier
way for Mary to become who she was always meant to be—not just the mother of
the Messiah, but the mother of the Savior.
“God allows
us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we
could learn in no other way,” says C. S. Lewis in The Problem of Pain.
The God who
called Mary to face her worst fears is the same God who calls us. He calls in
those times when the worst happens, when what we feared might happen does
happen. When it seems like life has gone from bad to worse and every time we
pray something even more awful happens, that is when God is saying to us:
There is no other way.
No other way
for him to accomplish his will in your life, to make you the person you were
meant to be. If this cup could pass, it would.
But it
Because this
is the way. And sometimes we must walk in it, with faith, with trust, with one
foot in front of the other, even when all our fears come true.
I just read (devoured) your book about Mary/wrestling.....wow, I can't say enough good things about it! Truly a great book, and my fave so far this year (have read 102 this year). I will be shopping for more of your books!
Thank you so much, Jackie!! I'm so encouraged by your note. Please recommend Wrestling with Wonder to whoever you think will benefit from it. I'm so glad it touched you!
Oh, I will definitely recommend it....in fact I just posted a review on Amazon. I could not determine how to send you the link via E mail so you can read it on Amazon....I am shown as J. Smith.
Thanks, Jackie!!
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