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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Short Story - I Need Your Help!!

Hi Friends,

I need your help!  I've entered my short story SHADOWS OF REMEMBRANCE in the Family Fiction short romance story contest.  To get past the first round, I need readers (like you!) to give it a thumbs up vote.  I told God that I wasn't going to write a short story unless He gave me a story that moved me and showed me something of Himself.  Well, I was moved! And I hope you will be too.

You can read the story (I really think you'll enjoy it!) and vote here:  http://www.familyfiction.com/short-stories/create-romance-2012/shadows-of-remembrance

To vote I'm pretty sure you will need to register your email address with Family Fiction (there's a button for that) so they know you're legitimate (and aren't voting for the same entry over and over again).  I hope you'll read it and vote a "thumbs up."

Here's the opening:  "The door slammed. Glass rattled. Callie didn’t care. Not anymore."

And here are some things I saw about God through the story:
--Nothing is beyond God's ability to heal.
--God never forgets love.
--Love that is true is first of all giving
--God believes in us even when we are too tired, too discouraged, too fearful to believe in Him.
--God's love never fails us.
--He can do the impossible. He loves us that much.
--Don't give up.  Trust Him, follow Him, believe ... even, especially, when all hope seems gone.
--So these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love ... but the greatest of these is love!

Read the whole (brief) story here: http://www.familyfiction.com/short-stories/create-romance-2012/shadows-of-remembrance