I just got back from Orlando last night, and thought it would be fun to share a photo with you of all the Christian novelists that were at the retreat I attended before the International Christian Retailing Show (ICRS). So, here we are! I'm there in the middle, with the brown shirt (to the left of the green shirt). We held the retreat at the Embassy Suites, and it was wonderful.
So, if you want, comment on who your favorite Christian fiction author is (besides yours truly, of course!), and I'll let you know if that person was there. Fun, huh?
Highlights of the convention: Getting a chance to reconnect with Ken Petersen, VP and Publishing Director at Waterbrook-Multnomah (my publisher) - I met Ken at Mount Hermon in 1993 when I first started writing - he was the very first one to believe in me and my writing/work; Walking the convention floor with fellow Multnomah authors Amy Wallace, Mark Mynheir, and Gayle Roper; meeting the great sales reps from Multnomah face-to-face at last!
So, no interesting stories with a spiritual point today (I'm too tired, after flying back home all day yesterday), but only a word of advice: treasure the people God is bringing into your life right now. Thank Him for them. You never know what God will do with those relationships in the days to come.
May your day today be blessed with WONDER!
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