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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Finding Your Way Through Darkness: A Poem

Hi Friends,

I've been thinking this week about how dark times don't last forever. Dawn comes, light dawns, and joy can be renewed. So, what is the purpose of the night? I think the night teaches us to trust God, to follow Him in the dimness, to submit our wills to His and believe that the path on which He leads us will bring us to a new day. The night teaches us to believe. The day teaches us wonder. But we can't be filled with the wonder of God, with the wonder of the Cross, until we've walked through the darkness and learned to believe when we can't see.

So, in that "light," I offer the following poem:


I ask Him where I'm going,
Where does this path lead?
To a land of endless day
Where all darkness flees?
Beyond the tears I weep today,
Will joy come tomorrow?
To banish fear within me,
To sooth the edge of sorrow?

I hear the voice of the King
Calling through my night,
Beckoning to my soul,
"Bask within my light."
I dry my tears, lift my head,
And choose to follow Him,
Despite my fear and sorrow,
Despite the ache within.

And, lo, as I travel
Where His feet have gone,
The depths of my darkness
Dissolve into the dawn.
Joy begins to blossom
From the seeds of pain
For He has led me on the path
Where He alone can reign.