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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Watching for Wonder at Juvenile Hall

Hi Friends,

Just a quick note today. As you probably know, I've been so enjoying my time with our horses and animals at juvenile hall. The guys there are so receptive to honest, open relationships and appreciate the time we spend with them. They are SUCH good role models in that way (who knew?!?!). 

I am reminded that we, too, are often "incarcerated" in this life. And what if we, if I, received whatever God brought to me with gratitude, openness, and appreciation. What if I spent my time watching for the wonder God brings? I want to do that!

I've learned other things from the guys, too. Things like ...

--there's beauty all around me, even in difficult situations

--I matter (just like they matter) and am beloved by God no matter what I've done

--I am seen, heard, and Someone cares

--I have a choice - I can receive what God is offering to me, or I can choose to be closed off, angry, resentful. I can also choose gratitude or blame. I choose gratitude!

--I am not alone. God is always with me.

Anyway, those are just a few of the things I'm pondering and letting sink deep as I meet with these kids who have made terrible mistakes, have been through terrible trauma, and are precious, wondrous, unique and beautiful people. When I am with them, I see God.

I hope you see Him where you are too!