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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

On the Murder of Pastor Herb Valero

Hi Friends,
Pastor Herb, from his Facebook page

I’ve just learned of the murder of Victory Outreach Pastor Herb Valdore, who was stabbed in the neck by one of his parishioners when he went outside to pray - TO PRAY - for the man. At first I was horrified by this horrific event. I was rocked by the depravity and evil. But now … now, I’m just mad. Mad! Not so much mad at the man who stabbed Pastor Herb, but mad at evil. Mad at the enemy of our souls who hates every good thing we do, who hates redemption and hope and beauty and wonder and glory. Who hates most of all the hearts that serve our God and King and work to redeem and restore. 

Well, I say, ENOUGH!

I will not let Pastor Herb’s murder cow me into doing any less in my broken community. I refuse to be afraid. Pastor Herb ministered to the most broken of our city. He gave his life for them. We should too.

His life, and his death, stand out like a beacon, declaring that THIS WAR IS REAL. The war against evil, sin, brokenness, hate, and destruction is REAL. The enemy is REAL. And we must NOT let him win. 

Cower in the corner, afraid? I think not! Fear is a tool of the enemy. Time to cinch up our battle gear and pray like we mean it. And not just pray for safety, but pray for the redemption of souls, restoration of lives, and the glory of God in the darkest darkness. Time to get out there and LOVE with more abandon, more fierceness, more joy! Time to fight this battle with the passion of those who know Whose side we’re on and believe the promises of our God.

The enemy used evil to take out a light in our community. I say let ten, twenty, a hundred more lights shine bright, fierce, determined, in his place. Let us stand together and fight with the best weapon we have: The powerful, consuming, fierce love of our God!