Welcome to the blog of author Marlo Schalesky!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Hi Friends,

Got some exciting things to tell you about, and I couldn't wait! So, here's a day-early post. Instead of my regular story with a spiritual point, it's news day!

First, you've gotta check out the new video trailer for Beyond the Night! So cool. Here it is:

Also, you can view this video, plus a fun on-site Stanford video and an audio clip from me on my website. Check out my new player with all this neat stuff on the front page of www.marloschalesky.com -- click on the player on the bottom left hand column.

Also, in other news . . . Veil of Fire just won the Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence Contest in the Inspirational category (a part of RWA - Romance Writers of America). Yay!

And, I've moved my song player to my blog here (see it just to the left!), so you can now listen to worship music while you read my blog, if you'd like.

And finally, did ya notice the new "Subscribe to this blog" button there on the left too? Well, make sure you subscribe!!! That way you won't miss any of my blogs! So, go on, click that subscribe button and enjoy.

Okay - one last thing -- leave a comment and let me know what you think of the trailer! Beyond the Night releases June 17th. Fun fun!


Melanie Dobson said...

An awesome trailer, Marlo! I can't wait to read the book again. :) I loved it!!