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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Caught by WONDER

Hi Friends,

I was really moved this week by a story that Linda Windsor shared with me. It was the story of how she came to know and love Jesus. Linda is a friend and fellow author. So, I wanted to share her story with you because it speaks of the wonder of God's love - His for us, ours for Him.

So, with no further ado, here's Linda's story. I hope it blesses you too:

It was the early 90's. I had always believed in God, but had problems accepting Christ as more than a great prophet. I had problems with some other Christian beliefs as well--or more so, questions. Chemical depression vexed me, but I had no idea what was wrong at that time. My 9 yr old son's learning disability forced me to place him in the only private school I could afford. A Christian school around the corner from my work. My kids wanted to go to church and so I finally caved in and took them to a round-the-clock Good Friday service where a pastor I'd never seen (I'd sung in enough weddings and funerals to know every one in town) stood up and preached on Doubting Thomas; how it was okay to question as long as we earnestly sought the truth. It nailed me to my seat and made this armchair philospher squirm. I hadn't earnestly sought the answers, just posed my skeptcism and drove faithful friends to distraction. It was a pivot point of my returning to my faith and to church. Where else could I find the answers to my questions/problems with the church/Scripture and about Jesus?

I went to a church to hear a minister whom I'd heard many times at said weddings and funerals and whom I respected. The answers to my questions flooded in, overwhelming me at times. I can't tell you how many worship services I endured, garroted by emotion. So much of what had kept me away from church had been misunderstanding or narrow views presented by my well-meaning grandmother and the practices of some hypocritical Christians. Still, it was about 3 years before I accepted Jesus completely. I first loved and admired him as a leader and teacher. As an incredible man and prophet, a revolutionary against the hypocrites of the church like those who'd turned me sour toward faith. And then, one day I was driving to work and a beautiful sky and a cedar grove in the midst of a field came into view, dew-splashed and dazzling in the sunlight.

A big "I love you Jesus!" just welled up out of no where and so took me by surprise, that I actually pulled over and sat there crying. Until that time I'd prayed to God and asked Him to bear with me until I could accept His Son, to show me Who His Son was. But this time, I'd prayed to Jesus and in that Name, I'd finally accepted Him. Now every day is a new discovery of just how marvelous He is and a chance to get to know Him even more. Even now I'm choked with wonder and gratitude...and love.

To find out more about Linda and her books, check out her website at http://www.lindawindsor.com/.